As we reach the midpoint of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15), we pause to recognize the extraordinary contributions of...
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Posts about History:
In formal descriptions of the germ-fighting powers of antibacterial and biocidal products, the terms "Gram positive" and "Gram negative" are used as...
There are countless contributors to the world of medicine who share Hispanic/Latino backgrounds, but there are a few noteworthy individuals whose...
This post continues our MRSA series in support of MRSA Awareness Month.
On a fall day in 1928, a window was left open in a London laboratory, letting in a cool breeze. Carried on that breeze were microscopic spores of...
Motivated by reason, civil duty, and patriotism, representatives from the Colonies gathered in Philadelphia to put their names on an historic...
Evidence-based design became a focus of study in the 1980s. This movement paired design choices with structured, formal scientific research. Rather...
After thousands of years of medical care provided in homes and religious buildings, health care moved into the public sphere. Buildings were...
With life, there is illness. Some of the earliest examples of life on Earth, bacteria, show evidence of invasion by viruses. Our earliest recorded...
2 min read.
The Golden Age of Microbiology, Part 3
Exploration of the Golden Age of Microbiology would not be complete without a look at how its discoveries impacted hospitals and medical care....
Last week's post introduced the work of Louis Pasteur, the father of microbiology. It was not long after Pasteur proposed that microorganisms were to...
Just over 150 years ago, the existence of bacteria was merely a hypothesis. Many scientists still believed that food spoilage and human infections...