As we reach the midpoint of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15), we pause to recognize the extraordinary contributions of...
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Posts about Infographics:
A hospital is one of the most, if not the most, regulated environments in our nation. Due to the complexity of services, equipment, usage, and...
2 min read.
The Public Health System and Infection Control
In Washington, a panel is meeting to discuss the future of the US Public Health System. Public health systems came under increased scrutiny during...
2 min read.
Anatomy of a Truly Safe Hospital Bed
Today's hospital beds are a product of 1800s innovation, steadily improving with each decade's advancements in health care, engineering, and...
Anyone familiar with hospitals knows that design impacts operations. How people - both healthcare workers and patients - move through the space...
Infection Control,
Cleaning Protocols,
Antibiotic Resistance,
Patient Safety,
Evidence-Based Design
3 min read.
Just how does copper kill germs?
COVID-19 and other infectious pathogens continue to make headlines, drawing our attention to the technologies being developed to fight these germs....
We love infographics. The way one image can convey complex information in an accessible, shareable format makes infographics one of the quickest...