Imagine walking into a grocery store. The shelves are stocked with countless products: fruits, vegetables, snacks, and household essentials. The...
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Posts about Hospitals:
Hospitals are complex ecosystems that require meticulous planning and real-time data to function effectively. One critical metric in this operational...
Managing and sharing vast amounts of patient data across various platforms and systems remains one of healthcare's most challenging tasks. One of the...
3 min read.
What Happens in a Hospital Laboratory?
A critical department of any healthcare facility is the on-site laboratory. Clinical laboratories process the many samples needed to help doctors...
2 min read.
What is a Critical Access Hospital?
Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) play an important role in today's healthcare system. Most (45) states have at least one of the over 1,300 CAHs, but...
2 min read.
Patients, Staff, Administrators: What Each of Us Can Do to Reduce Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs)
We hear so often how "we all have a role to play in reducing healthcare associated infections." From washing our hands to advocating for policy...
Infection Control,
Product Evaluation,
Environmental Services,
Cleaning Protocols,
Health & Wellness,
Antibiotic Resistance,
Patient Safety,
Public Health,
C. difficile
2 min read.
QUAT Cleaners: A Critical Analysis of their Use
Achieving and maintaining sanitized surfaces in hospitals requires an arsenal cleaning and disinfecting products, with quaternary ammonium compounds...
Over the past few posts, we have been looking at how ideas make their way to hospital decision-makers. Nurses play a crucial role in patient care,...
3 min read.
Who Makes Decisions about Infection Prevention in a Private (Non-Government Owned) Hospital?
Hospitals are the setting for countless decisions each day, decisions that impact patient outcomes, financial investments, community health and so...
Probably no other organizational entity has the human resources complexity of a hospital. Healthcare facilities bring together not just medical...
Infection Control,
Patient Safety,
Public Health,
Public Reporting
4 min read.
Hospital Acquired Infections and Hospitals Acquired by Private Equity: The Dangerous Correlation
About a quarter of American hospitals are for-profit, that is, they are operated to generate profit for owners and stakeholders. A subsection of...
C. diff, or Clostridioides difficile, is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped, anaerobic, endosporic, toxigenic, opportunistic, bacillus. Its scientific...