Imagine walking into a grocery store. The shelves are stocked with countless products: fruits, vegetables, snacks, and household essentials. The...
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Posts about Product Evaluation:
Healthcare decision-makers must always face the difficult task of balancing patient care and cost-efficiency. One of the most valuable tools for...
2 min read.
What is an FDA Class II 510(k) Safety Clearance?
Usually we discuss products that fall under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in this blog, including disinfectants, cleaners, and biocidal...
2 min read.
Endoscopes and Infection: Design Matters
There are four fundamental aspects of endoscopes that lead to infection: Intricate design, biofilm formation, human error during reprocessing, and...
3 min read.
Not All "Antimicrobial Activity" Tests are the Same: Why the EPA Standard Exceeds JIS/ISO, ASTM and Others
In this blog, we have covered the rigorous protocol set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a product to make public health claims, that...
While attending academic conferences, don't overlook the vendor exhibit area – it's more than just a place to pick up free pens and notebooks. The...
There are so many psychological, sociological, and intellectual barriers to change - anyone who has tried to break a bad habit or motivate a group...
Infection Control,
Product Evaluation,
Environmental Services,
Cleaning Protocols,
Health & Wellness,
Antibiotic Resistance,
Patient Safety,
Public Health,
C. difficile
2 min read.
QUAT Cleaners: A Critical Analysis of their Use
Achieving and maintaining sanitized surfaces in hospitals requires an arsenal cleaning and disinfecting products, with quaternary ammonium compounds...
The first step in making a case for a healthcare innovation is collecting the data that supports it. This data includes evidence the the innovation...
Product Evaluation,
Evidence-Based Design
2 min read.
How To Make the Case for a Healthcare Innovation
Every successful organization, from a small grassroots group to a global corporation, has a way for ideas to percolate through the system and find...
Product Evaluation,
Evidence-Based Design
2 min read.
How Do Hospitals Spend Money? An Introduction
Hospital finances are a complex process, involving all the parts of a service provider, a retail business, an investment venture, and a non-profit...
The perceived stability of the national economy impacts the willingness of the healthcare industry to invest in innovations with up-front costs. In...