As we reach the midpoint of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15), we pause to recognize the extraordinary contributions of...
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Posts about Microbiology:
3 min read.
What Happens in a Hospital Laboratory?
A critical department of any healthcare facility is the on-site laboratory. Clinical laboratories process the many samples needed to help doctors...
Today's trio of pathogens are stealthy, living on our bodies without causing us harm but wreaking havoc when they find a way inside a bacteria-free,...
Contamination Statistics,
Infection Control,
Environmental Services,
Patient Safety,
1 min read.
The Usual Suspects: The Microorganisms that Cause HAIs
It is estimated that there are 5×1030 bacteria on Earth. That's 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or 5 nonillion. We have not even begun to...
Imagine a group of hikers setting out on a 100-mile trek through a remote forest, each taking their own path and traveling alone. Each carries a...
"Superbugs," or antibiotic-resistant bacteria, have been in the news a lot lately. These types of bacteria can cause infections that are very...
In hospitals across the nation, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) monitors are used to test surfaces for the presence of biological contamination. Armed...
A seismic shift in human civilization occurred when we learned how to plant and harvest our own food. The advent of agriculture meant access to more...
While prevention is always the goal when it comes to a hospital-acquired infection, rapid diagnosis is essential to better outcomes. The sooner the...
Patient Advocacy,
Professional Profile,
Native Americans/First Peoples/Indian Americans
3 min read.
Native American Microbiologist Dr. Kat Milligan-McClellan
The community of EOS Surfaces respectfully acknowledges the Chesepioc, Nansemond and other peoples of the Powhatan Tribes as the original stewards of...
Would it surprise you to hear that about two-thirds of clinical decisions are based on laboratory test information? Yes, medical technologist are a ...
3 min read.
Hurricane Epidemiology: Dangers After The Storm
This past week saw a devastating hurricane barrel into the United States. Hurricane Ian, which began as a tropical wave east of the Winward Islands,...