More than 800,000 Americans live with end-stage kidney disease, and over half of them depend on dialysis as a necessary and life-sustaining...
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Posts about Handwashing:
3 min read.
Disease Vectors and HAIs: Disease Door Dashers
New England has been put onhigh alert thanks to an outbreak of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), a rare virus that can lead to the deaths of 30% of...
In the sci-fi classic 2001: A Space Odyssey, an omnipresent computer named HAL monitors all activity aboard a spacecraft on a critical mission. The...
3 min read.
Hygienic Home for the Holidays
Did everyone notice the uptick in respiratory illnesses (including COVID) that started about a week and a half after Thanksgiving? Many of us might...
Contamination Statistics,
Infection Control,
Environmental Services,
Antibiotic Resistance,
Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCFs),
Special Populations,
3 min read.
We Now Return to Your Regularly Scheduled Pandemic: Hospital Associated Infections
In a widely-circulated interview, President Biden stated that the pandemic was, in effect, over. While not an official statement and also clarified...
2 min read.
Hand Hygiene: The Latest Global Statistics
The general public has never been more aware of handwashing, thanks to the COVID pandemic. We all got a glimpse into the world of the healthcare...
2 min read.
The Golden Age of Microbiology, Part 3
Exploration of the Golden Age of Microbiology would not be complete without a look at how its discoveries impacted hospitals and medical care....
Today may not actually be "the saddest day in the year," but chances are, those of us who made New Years' resolutions may be starting to see some...
In the 1920’s and 30’s, the nation was swept up in the Efficiency Movement, an effort to rid every aspect of human life of waste and unproductive...
2 min read.
Is Antibacterial Soap the Same As Regular Soap?
A study demonstrated that regular soap has the same impact as antibacterial soap at killing bacterial during hand washing. Today we'll explore this...
As awareness of the COVID-19 virus increased, Americans everywhere rushed out to (try to) buy hand sanitizer. All of us now know that washing our...