Enhanced Barrier Precautions in Long-Term Care: A CMS Update

by Erica Mitchell | June 17 2024

What do you do if you discover that 50% of your healthcare residents are colonized with a multi-drug resistant organism (MDRO)? You'd probably adjust your personal protective equipment protocols at your facility, right? Now consider this at a national scale: A 2021 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report revealed that "more than 50% of nursing home residents may be colonized with an MDRO," prompting the CDC to update its recommendations in July 2022, focusing on Enhanced Barrier Precautions (EBP) for residents with wounds and indwelling medical devices, who are at higher risk for MDRO colonization and transmission. In today's post, we'll look at what this means for long-term care facilities.

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A Wave of Candida auris infections: Crashing in Hospitals Nationwide

by Erica Mitchell | April 3 2023

We've covered Candida auris in this blog before. Not only has it been one of the pathogens of concern cited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this fungus also infected record numbers of inpatients during the COVID-19 pandemic. This disease-causing pathogen has hit headlines once again, this time brining attention to troubling increases in rates and resistance. What can hospitals - and patients - do to avoid this dangerous hospital-associated infection?

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What Can Nursing Homes Do to Improve Infection Prevention?

by Erica Mitchell | January 28 2022

Nursing homes provide an invaluable service to our nation. Caring for elderly and medically vulnerable patients, nursing homes face unprecedented challenges in keeping their residents safe and healthy. In the midst of financial pressures, how can nursing homes help prevent the spread of healthcare-acquired infections? In today's post, we'll look at those steps that are cost-neutral, and even cost-saving, approaches to long-term infection prevention and control.

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Nursing Homes and Infection Control: The Most Common Infections

by Erica Mitchell | March 17 2021

Elderly patients needing support for daily activities present unique challenges to the long-term care facilities who care for them. Today's post will conclude our series on nursing home facilities by focusing on the most common infections faced by their residents.

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Nursing Homes and Infection Control: The Most Vulnerable Patients

by Erica Mitchell | March 10 2021

As we age, our bodies go through changes that can make us more susceptible to disease, injury, and infection. Individuals who experience the greatest number of health issues as they age may find that a nursing home or assisted living facility provides the best medical support. Unfortunately, that then places those individuals in a subset of our aging population who are at greatest risk for infection. Today's post will explore how age and infection risk are related.

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