Before COVID-19, the field of infection control and prevention was making incredible progress. Putting in place protocols and ensuring consistent...
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Posts about HAIs (6):
Are all hospital-acquired infections due to contaminated surfaces? It turns out that some infections - even those as the result of a procedure - are...
Elderly patients needing support for daily activities present unique challenges to the long-term care facilities who care for them. Today's post will...
As we age, our bodies go through changes that can make us more susceptible to disease, injury, and infection. Individuals who experience the greatest...
2 min read.
Nursing Homes and Infection Control
The Wall Street Journal addressed the growing concern over infection control in America's nursing homes, citing research from a recent paper from the...
Most babies are born healthy. Delivered in a hospital, a birthing center, a home, or even a stable, they are bundled up, fed, loved, and go on to...
There are may different pathogens that cause HAIs. Researchers have studied which of these infectious agents tend to cause infections, how those...
3 min read.
4 Ways to Improve Terminal Cleaning
In time for New Years resolutions, let consider ways we can improve terminal cleaning! Terminal cleaning is a thorough, deep-cleaning of a patient...
Patient Advocacy,
Contamination Statistics,
Infection Control,
Environmental Services,
Cleaning Protocols
1 min read.
How clean is your Hospital Room?
When we enter a hospital room as a patient, we are seeing the room at its cleanest. The room has just been scrubbed down during what is called...
Surface disinfection has become the new normal. Today's post takes the concept of a high school geometry proof to connect contaminated environments...
Consumers have a difficult time navigating the data that is available to help them make decisions about safe hospital choices. Today we are going to...
In our series on Clostridioides difficile, we explored the bacteria that causes this lethal hospital-acquired infection, the resulting infectious...