As we age, our bodies go through changes that can make us more susceptible to disease, injury, and infection. Individuals who experience the greatest...
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2 min read.
Nursing Homes and Infection Control
The Wall Street Journal addressed the growing concern over infection control in America's nursing homes, citing research from a recent paper from the...
In the fight against COVID-19, there are many heroes. From healthcare workers to grocery store cashiers, so many people have worked hard, and taken...
Discussions about healthcare often involve the expression "continuum of care." Why is this description becoming more common? What can we learn about...
A recent federal report and subsequent media coverage has revealed an urgent gap in the supply chain for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine: lipid...
After considering a biocide's efficacy, toxicity, kill mechanisms, and bacterial resistance, one must also consider its cost. As with all criteria,...
As national numbers of COVID vaccinations continue to climb, many of us are wondering when we can finally shed the mask and abandon social...
Resistance - antibiotic or otherwise - is a game of survival of the fittest. Bacteria strains can be killed by an antibiotic that targets a specific...
The sheer number of people who need to get vaccinated and the logistics involved in making that happen has led to frustration and confusion. Some ...
Our bodies are incredible feats of balance, or in biological terms, homeostasis. Completely independent of our conscious minds, our cells are taking...
We were making progress against an emergent pathogen long before the newest novel pathogen brought everything to a standstill. Starting a decade ago,...
Today's post covers a vital comparison between copper and silver: Their ability to kill harmful bacteria. Biocidal activity - the active destruction...