As we enter the heated month before Election Day, we are going to take an opportunity to explore the relationship between science and our government...
Posts by Erica Mitchell:
Millions of global visitors. Packed venues. One city. How is it possible that the Olympics have always had such a clean bill of health for infectious...
We are now well into the first week of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The first medals have been awarded and the pre-opening frenzy...
An inescapable phenomenon has infected our nation’s population. Within weeks of the first cases, it has spread to millions, leaving victims walking...
2 min read.
8 Great Podcasts to Check Out This Summer
As summer approaches, so do opportunities to listen to podcasts! If you want to explore some of the topics we cover in this blog straight from the...
These days, most people hearing the name “John Snow” will think of the character Jon Snow from HBO’s Game of Thrones, a hugely successful series...
2 min read.
Career Focus: What is a hospital epidemiologist?
Epidemiology is a branch of medicine that studies the way disease moves through human populations, from outbreak to control. The word epidemic itself...
January is the month of predictions for the upcoming year. These past weeks, a number of forums posted their predictions for the 2016 year in...
We love infographics. The way one image can convey complex information in an accessible, shareable format makes infographics one of the quickest...
In late 1999, the Institute of Medicine published To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, a landmark report that brought the nation’s...
Over the past year, we have started to build a library of helpful resources about healthcare topics ranging from hospital-acquired infections to...
This past week, Vox published a series of articles by Sarah Kliff as a part of its year-long examination of fatal medical harm. The "Do No Harm"...