Resistance - antibiotic or otherwise - is a game of survival of the fittest. Bacteria strains can be killed by an antibiotic that targets a specific...
Our bodies are incredible feats of balance, or in biological terms, homeostasis. Completely independent of our conscious minds, our cells are taking...
We were making progress against an emergent pathogen long before the newest novel pathogen brought everything to a standstill. Starting a decade ago,...
Today's post covers a vital comparison between copper and silver: Their ability to kill harmful bacteria. Biocidal activity - the active destruction...
Since mankind began using metals, both silver and copper have been used to keep mildew, mold, fungi, and other spoilage at bay. Both metals were even...
The infection control landscape is difficult to navigate without an understanding of the key terms used by experts in the field. Some of these terms...
There's no more chilling words in a killer virus action movie than "IT'S MUTATED!" Visions of a virus gone berserk and leaving chaos (or zombies) in...