Every field has its own jargon, vocabulary, and acronyms. Infection control and prevention is no different! In today's post, we'll look at some of the lesser-known acronyms that every infection prevention professional should know. For those topics we have covered elsewhere in the blog, you will find a link to that page. So grab your spoons and get ready for some alphabet soup!
Practice and Clinical Terms
MIC | Minimum Inhibitory Concentration lowest concentration of antimicrobial that inhibits growth
PCR | Polymerase Chain Reaction technique that copies portions of DNA and helps ID pathogens
RCA | Root Cause Analysis systematic process for identifying the original cause of a problem
Organizations, Agencies and Legislation
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality federal agency in charge of improving healthcare
DHQP | Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion CDC division responsible for patient and HCW safety
HICPAC | Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee CDC advisory group
HRSA | Health Research Society of America federal agency responsible for health outcomes and access
MACRA Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 legislation about quality & payments
NQF | National Quality Forum nonprofit focused on improving healthcare quality and reporting
Surveillance and Reporting
ABCs | Active Bacterial Core Surveillance surveillance system for invasive bacterial pathogens
ASC | Active Surveillance Cultures microbiological screening cultures for hospital-admitted patients
EHR | Electronic Health Records systematized, digitized collection of patient health information
HCAHPS | Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems satisfaction survey
HCUP | Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project AHRQ's family of healthcare databases and tools
HRRP | Hospital Readmission Reduction Program CMS VBP program to reduce readmissions
IQR | Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program CMS data collection for public release
JCAHO | Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations nonprofit accreditation program
LABID EVENT | Lab Identified Event data derived only from laboratory test rather than patient evaluation
M&M | Morbidity and Mortality federal reporting of weekly statistics about illness and cause of death
MPSMS | Medicare Patient Safety Monitoring System national tracking of rates of patient harm
NHSN | National Healthcare Safety Network federal healthcare-associated infections tracking system
OQR | Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting Program CMS pay-for-reporting program
PSI | Patient Safety Indicator set of measures that screen for adverse events experienced by patients
SIR | Standardized Infection Ratio statistic based on expected vs. actual infections at a facility
Financial Health
DRG | Diagnosis-Related Group patient classification system that standardizes prospective payment
IPPS | Inpatient Prospective Payment System CMS's system of payment based on DRG rates
MIPS | Merit-Based Incentive Payment System upcoming CMS payment and incentive system
OPPS | Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System CMS' way to decide outpatient care rates
QPP | Quality Payment Program CMS program to incentivize quality over volume
VBP | Value-Based Purchasing Linking provider payments to cost and quality of care
We hope this list of acronyms was helpful and informative. Of course, there are more acronyms we could cover. This selection represents some critical aspects of healthcare quality and infection control. Let us know if we left out anything important!
Editor's Note: This post was originally published in December 2019 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy and comprehensiveness.