This series on outpatient services and infection control can seem rather dismal. Thankfully, most outpatient facilities are safe and only a small...
Posts by Erica Mitchell:
We recently heard a chilling story: An ER doctor shared that he was treating many of his patients in the waiting room - diagnosing, providing...
So far in our series on infection control in ambulatory care settings, we covered the types of facilities and how they are regulated. One huge topic...
No one wants to stay in a hospital any longer than they have to. We all have an innate desire to get back to the comfort of our homes and begin the...
We don’t know enough about infection in ambulatory care centers.
Any kind of medical treatment received outside of a hospital admission is considered ambulatory care, or outpatient care. This category of healthcare...
Nursing responsibilities have changed dramatically over the past decades. While some non-medical tasks have been shifted to other workers, additional...
In late January of 2016, the CDC issued a health advisory “urging dialysis providers and facilities toassess and improve infection control practices
2 min read.
What's New In CMS' Final Inpatient Rule?
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) uses a Prospective Payment System (PPS) to provide incentives for healthcare providers to be...
4 min read.
Professional Profile: Sheila Cahnman, FAIA, FACHA, LEED AP, and Growing Innovation in Healthcare Design
Few architects have the vantage point brought by a career in healthcare spanning 4 decades. Professional leaders with this kind of experience, in...
A new market for healthcare is experiencing a bit of a boom: Free-standing emergency rooms (FSERs). These facilities provide 24-hour-a-day emergency...
2 min read.
Hand Hygiene: The Latest Global Statistics
The general public has never been more aware of handwashing, thanks to the COVID pandemic. We all got a glimpse into the world of the healthcare...