It is the season of giving, with many of us exchanging gifts and well-wishes. Hugs are given. Kisses on the cheeks. Handshakes. Oh-so-many excellent opportunities to give the gift that no one wants - germs! To avoid spreading germs this season, there are a few simple steps you can take. And in the event that someone does bring home an unwelcome holiday guest, use our cleaning infographic to keep that bug from continuing its holiday tour!
Wash Your Hands
Yep, nothing fancy with this recommendation. Each time you sneeze - or shake hands with someone who is sneezing - wash your hands with warm water and soap or apply a little hand sanitizer. It's also a great idea to wash hands after coming home from a shopping trip or other public holiday event. And while most folks remember to wash their hands before eating a meal, don't forget to wash up before eating all that holiday finger-food and snacks!
Keep Your Germs To Yourself
No one wants to be the bearer of unwelcome germs. To avoid spreading germs if you know you are sick, give yourself permission to stay home from holiday parties and crowded events. You need the rest, and everyone else will appreciate your consideration. If you do find yourself out and about with a cold, be sure to sneeze into the crook of your arm (the Dracula Sneeze). Have an abundance of tissues with you, and dispose of used ones immediately. Don't stuff used tissues into a purse or pocket where they will continue to contaminate hands and objects!
Travel Savvy
Germs are everywhere, and one of those places is in your airplane. Travel with EPA-registered disinfecting wipes and wipe down your armrests and tray table as soon as you board. Avoid handling the airplane-supplied magazines and don't store your cell phone in the seat pocket. Bring along a jacket or your own travel pillow to use instead of airplane blankets or pillows.
Clean House
To keep germs that come into your home at bay, be sure to wipe surfaces with an EPA-registered product that kills viruses and bacteria. Depending on the product, you may have to wet the surface and let it air dry, so be sure to follow directions. You'll want to make sure that all your trash cans have plastic liners so that you can tie up trash when it comes time to empty them. Loose trash can cause germs to become airborne when you dump it out, and can leave behind germs on the inside of the trash can. If you host a party, have tissues and hand sanitizer available in every room along with a small waste basket.
Despite all our efforts, these germs can manage to find their way into our path. Viruses in particular are thriving this time of year, and with all our closed windows and close proximity, well, they just have the advantage. So, if someone in your household does get sick, be sure to check out our handy infographic with more detailed information on every area of your home.
From all of us at EOS, have a safe and healthy holiday season!
Editor's Note: This post was originally published in December 2019 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy and comprehensiveness.